About the Institute
The Institute of Biosensing Technology is the first of its kind in the UK. Within our laboratories we design complex biological tests and incorporate those tests into prototype devices using microfluidics and bespoke electronics. We are a “one stop shop” working on all aspects of the product simultaneously. Our focus is on the growing market sectors of healthcare, agri-food, environmental monitoring and security. We aim to form collaborative teams across industry, the public sector and academia to address market driven challenges. We support the development of networks of interested parties both locally in the Bristol & Bath area but also building links with specific partners across the globe.
A generation of new technologies
Real-time Monitoring of Biological Cell Activity | Improving the measurement of systemic ammonia for better chronic disease management | Rapid diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infection in Primary Healthcare | Technology for detection of volatile compounds | Bioluminescent reporter bacteria | Impedance spectroscopy | Microbial Detection and Biocontrol | Microbial Fuel Cells Paramagnetic particle-based detection system | Photometric stereo
Current projects
The Health Tech Hub helps businesses to develop and bring to market new technology solutions which promote health and wellbeing, particularly focusing on independent living and citizen-centric health. The Hub’s mission is to advance innovation in healthcare, to invigorate the grow of UK companies and to improve the quality of life for citizens. The HTH team identify and create opportunities for businesses, universities and the healthcare sector to work together to solve the demanding problems faced by the healthcare sector in the UK and globally.
The Health Technology Accelerator Programme (HTAP) is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to support small to medium businesses in the West of England region develop new products or services for the health and life science sector. The programme is managed by the University of the West of England and the West of England AHSN. It provides free business coaching and mentoring for businesses that believe they have an innovative product or service that has the potential to benefit the health and social care sectors.
The Health Tech Hub has received funding from 2 organisations, the Local Growth Fund and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Funding received from the ERDF is part of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Growth Programme 2014-2020. The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) is the programme’s Managing Authority. Established by the European Union, the ERDF helps local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects that support innovation, businesses, job creation and local community regeneration.
Hear from some of the beneficiaries of the programmes
Bonnie Binary is designing and prototyping bespoke engaged in the multi-disciplinary area of Interactive Textiles Control Devices (ITCD). These ITCD enable a user who may suffer with a medical condition that impairs fine motor skills and hand eye coordination to access the internet using familiar, forgiving control pad rather than using a games type controller. The soft textile device is embedded with touch and pressure sensors that enables all of the functionality found in commercially available systems.
3-D Imaging + Modelling
BRACE is a charity that raises funding for research into Alzheimer's disease. To support education and fund-raising activities BRACE asked UWE to 3D print models of a healthy brain and one where the patient had suffered from late onset Alzheimer's disease. BRACE provided NMR scans of brains which UWE translated into CAD files and then printed the models of the brains. The models clearly showed the weight loss, of up to 30%, associated with the disease. The general public are able to visualise that Alzheimer's disease destroys brain tissue, it is not only a matter of the connection between cells no longer working.
Energy solutions
The BioFactory have designed an off-grid toilet and waste processing plant that digests human waste to produce methane gas for use as a cooking fuel. The slurry from this product can also be used as a fertiliser for crops. IBST are working with The Biofactory to ensure that the process sterilizes the waste harmful bacteria is neutralised and the slurry is safe to use. The Biofactory and UWE are recipients of an Innovate UK grant looking to trial the process in Mozambique.